วารสารวิจัย มข. มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์

ปีที่ 2 | ฉบับที่ 1 มกราคม - มีนาคม 2555

ชื่อเรื่อง :


Title :

Factors that Promote a Co-Teaching Model for a Successful Professional Development Strategy for Thai In-service Science Teachers.

ผู้แต่ง :


Authors :

Siriwan Chatmaneerungcharoen

บทคัดย่อ :


Abstract :

 What do teachers (pre-service teachers as well as in-service teachers) need to know in order to be able to implement processes proficiently in their classrooms? Pedagogical Content Knowledge [PCK] is referred to a specific category of knowledge for teaching science that is a conceptualized blend of content knowledge into pedagogical knowledge. Applying this knowledge context to enable science teachers to transform particular content knowledge into a form that is understandable for a diverse group of students. The study is a part of professional development [PD] using a Co-Teaching Model [CTM] as PD. The main research purpose is to enhance elementary science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge through CTM. In addition, the researcher aims to develop the effective characteristics of co-teaching model supporting science teachers’ changes to their PCK. Three volunteer science teachers in Grades 4-6 at the same school participated in this study for 1 year. This research will present what factors that constrained or supported the development of Thai elementary science teachers’ PCK. Data sources throughout the research project consisted of classroom observations, individual interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. Inductive analysis was used to analyze the data into more general outcomes which were presented in three case studies and a cross-case analysis. The results show that the three case study participants have developed their PCK. Their performances in developing PCK, as assessed by the design of their inquiry-based lesson plans and as observed in their classroom practices, shifted from teacher-centered to student-centered teaching and learning practices. Moreover, this research study also presents the successful CTM that has to be based on teachers’ personal characteristics, interpersonal skills, sharing accountability for outcomes and resources. Additional, a school climate is also important to influence co-teachers spending time to work collaboratively. Further, this study did not focus on the role of administrator; therefore, further research is needed to understand how school and district administrators can promote effective PD program for elementary. 

คำสำคัญ :


Keywords :

Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Inquiry Approach, A Co-Teaching Model, Professional Development.



ปีที่ 6 | ฉบับที่ 1 มกราคม - เมษายน 2559


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