วารสารวิจัย มข. มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์
ปีที่ 5 | ฉบับที่ 2 พฤษภาคม - สิงหาคม 2558
ชื่อเรื่อง :
Title :
ผู้แต่ง :
สังคม ศุภรัตนกุล และ บัวพันธ์ พรหมพักพิง
Authors :
บทคัดย่อ :
Abstract :
This research aimed study factors inflencing the Smoke Free Community Campaign, after the implementation of the Project. Data was collected during August – October, 2013 through the questionnaire survey of family members, amount of 1,103 samples. Data analyzed by LISREL, explained through path analysis statistics. This study found that on the real time in community there were the factors affecting the tobacco-control mobilization consisting (1) social capital, (2) attitudes towards policy, (3) public information, and (4) awareness of social norms or rules. The structure equation modeling analyzed by path analysis found after the implementation show that, the free zone areas received highest directing effect from social capital (?= -0.65), public information (?= -0.56) and awareness of social norms or rules (?= 0.31) respectively, moreover received indirect effect which effected through the public information factor. Finally, power of predicted from those explain the Smoke Free Community at 71.0% (R2=0.71).
คำสำคัญ :
Keywords :
Factors, Mobilization, Smoke-Free Community