วารสารวิจัย มข. มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์

ปีที่ 5 | ฉบับที่ 3 กันยายน - ธันวาคม 2558

ชื่อเรื่อง :


Title :

The Development of the Process of Lesson Study through Open Approach, in the Learning Area of Social Studies, Religion and Culture,
by Practice Student in the Social Studies Department of the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University

ผู้แต่ง :


Authors :

Angkana Tungkasamit and Ladda Silanoi

บทคัดย่อ :


Abstract :

    The purposes of the present study for the development of the process of Lesson Study through Open Approach, in the learning area of Social Studies, Religion and Culture, by the practicum of students teaching in the Social Studies Department of the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University were 1) to develop a Lesson Study model through Open Approach learning activities and 2) to study the results of applying such Lesson Study Model to classroom teaching. The target group included 4 practicum of students teaching, 141 students of 4 classrooms, 2 the mentor teachers and 2 the university supervisors. The research variable were the process of Lesson Study through Open Approach and results of the application of Lesson Study and the organization of learning activities Summary of the fidings: (1) The development of the process of Lesson Study through Open Approach based on the Research and Development (R&D) consists of the following steps: Step 1: The posing of open-ended problems. Step 2: The step of students’ self-learning through problem solving. Step 3: The step of whole class discussion and comparison. Step 4: The summarization through connecting students’ ideas emerged in the classroom. (2) Results of the application of Lesson Study and the organization of learning activities through Open Approach by the 4 practice students in two levels of Grades 7 and 8 at Khon Kaen University’s Demonstration School (Modindaeng) show that: 2.1 Regarding the development of learning achievement of Grade 7th students in two classrooms it was found that 100% of those in Classroom No. 1 passed the prescribed passing criterion. They made a mean achievement score of 94.38, while 97.14% of the students in Classroom No. 2 passed the prescribed passing criterion and made a mean achievement score of 92.50. On the other hand, of the Grade 8th students Classroom No. 1, 80% of them passed the prescribed passing criterion and they made a mean achievement score of 73.52, while 72.22% of the Grade 8th students in Classroom No. 2 passed the prescribed passing criterion and made a mean achievement score of 70.64. 2.2 On the aspect of thinking skill of the students, 77.14% of the 7th Grade students in Classroom No. 1 displayed analytical thinking skill for 77.42%, while 77.14% of the 7th Grade students in Classroom No. 2 displayed analytical thinking skill for 73.28%. Of the 8th Grade students, on the other hand, 73.04% of those in Classroom No. 1 displayed analytical thinking skill for 73.25%, while 75% of the 8th Grade 8 students in Classroom No. 2 displayed critical thinking skill for 75.27%.

คำสำคัญ :


Keywords :

Lesson Study, Open Approach, Practice students in the Social Studies



ปีที่ 6 | ฉบับที่ 1 มกราคม - เมษายน 2559


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