วารสารวิจัย มข. มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์
ปีที่ 6 | ฉบับที่ 1 มกราคม - เมษายน 2559
ชื่อเรื่อง :
Title :
Exploring University Students’ Attitudes and Strategies in a Blended English Language Learning Environment
ผู้แต่ง :
Authors :
Thitirat Suwannasom, Nancy Guigue Catane
บทคัดย่อ :
Abstract :
Since the attitudes and strategies of students are important aspects in building a new language learning environment, this paper aims to investigate students’ attitudes and strategies in a blended English language learning environment in which the face-to-face instruction and online activities are incorporated. A survey questionnaire was administered to undergraduate students in order to explore their attitudes towards blended leaning activities and the strategies used to achieve the learning goals. The results reveal that participating students are positive and motivated in learning English through online activities. Participants also fid the blended language learning activities convenient and promoting self-directed learning. Online activities allow students to have more control in learning and feel more responsible to practice the language. Although blended learning instruction and online activities have the potential to promote autonomous language learning, teachers’ guidance and assistance from peers are required.
คำสำคัญ :
Keywords :
Blended learning environment, Blended language learning, Students’ attitudes, Students’ strategies