วารสารวิจัย มข.
About this journal
Aims and scopes
KKU Research Journal is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by Khon Kaen University. We welcome submission from all fields of science and technology. The journal accepts English manuscripts of original research, short communication, and review articles, which have never been published elsewhere. Our purpose is to promote and disseminate knowledge, academic work and research in science and technology. Research areas covered by the journal include (but not limited to):
- Pure science
- Mathematics
- Agricultural science
- Engineering science
- Technology
- Health science
Abstracting and indexing
The journal is indexed by Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI), and Google Scholar.
Publication Ethics
The ethics for publication is required for high quality publication in the KKU Research Journal. The following violations must be prohibited and sanctioned:
- Manuscripts and papers found to plagiarize other works.
- Manuscripts and papers with data fabrication and falsification.
- Submitted manuscripts that have been under revision elsewhere.
- Published papers that have been published elsewhere.
- Manuscripts and papers with citation manipulation.
Violated manuscripts under revision must be immediately rejected while published manuscripts corresponding to some of the aforementioned violations must be withdrawn from the journal. The journal reserves the right to impose additional punishments should the manuscripts or papers be outrageously mistaken.