วารสารวิจัย มข.

ปีที่ 20 | ฉบับที่ 4 ตุลาคม - ธันวาคม 2558

ชื่อเรื่อง :


Title :

Clinical Lumbar Instability and Core Stabilization Exercise: A Literature Review

ผู้แต่ง :


Authors :

Pattanasin Areeudomwong

บทคัดย่อ :


Abstract :

Clinical lumbar instability is increasingly recognized as one of the significant causes

of chronic low back pain. The patients with clinical lumbar instability require the effective

exercise intervention to improve the stability of their lumbar spine. This article reveals the

etiology and clinical diagnosis of clinical lumbar instability, the effective treatment as core

stabilization exercise (CSE) and also provides some relevant researches on CSE for

improving outcome measurements in patients with clinical lumbar instability. Commonly,

clinical signs and the specific clinical tests including instability catch sign, apprehension

sign, painful catch test and prone instability test are considered as clinical diagnostic

criteria due to absence of radiological findings in patients with clinical lumbar instability.

Moderate to high impacted evidences on the effectiveness of CSE to improve pain-related

outcomes and deep trunk muscle activation have been reported in patients with clinical

lumbar instability but further studies regarding long-term effectiveness of CSE and the use

of precise instrument to detect deep trunk muscle activation are still required.

คำสำคัญ :


Keywords :

clinical lumbar instability; core stabilization exercise; diagnostic criteria; stability



ปีที่ 21 | ฉบับที่ 2 เมษายน - มิถุนายน 2559


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